Kokuyo makes different products for different markets. They have products that are only available in certain countries. The "MO Series" is only available in China. These are manufactured by Kokuyo and are the same GREAT Mio paper as all Kokuyo products.
I ordered one of these covers to see what they were like and I fell in LOVE.
You don't know this, but my go-to notebook and planner size has been A5 since I started down the rabbit hole of Asian stationery. Last year, I switched to B6. A5 size was feeling too "heavy" for me and I wanted to lighten my proverbial "load" in my tote. One thing that disappointed me is that B6 size is not as near as common as A5, and thus options are limited.
THESE COVERS DO NOT DISAPPOINT! They are VERY soft and supple and do a great job of protecting whatever is stored within them.
Size: 271mm X 194mm
Material: Vegan Leather
Please make sure to measure your notebook as shown in the images below. I will not be able to accept returns on this item if it does not fit.